
  • Guli YULDASHEVA D.Sc. (Political Science), fellow at the International Relations, Law,and Political Studies Department, Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) Author


The geopolitical tension that became even more evident in the wake of the 2001 events, the de facto unfolding global war over energy sources and transportation corridors in the Middle East and Central Asia, and certain aspects of Turkey’s domestic developments have greatly altered Ankara’s international status, its political weight, and its role.

The victory of the candidate from the Pro Islamic Justice and Development Party (JDP) at the 28 August, 2007 presidential election created tension between the Islamic circles and the Turkish generals, since the JDP posed itself as the custodian of Kemal Atatürk’s traditional principles of a secular state.1 Today, however, the party is no longer perceived as another Islamic party, but rather as a conservative party resolved to blend Islam with the Turkish model and contemporary developments.2 

 It seems that the outcome of the latest presidential election was not paradoxical and perfectly fit the current global trends in the Islamic world, on the one hand, and was a logically justified response of the Turkish electorate to the post-2001 international developments, on the other. The party’s obvious and growing popularity testifies that the nation is more or less united on the republic’s foreign policy aims and its relative continuity.

The steadily increasing dependence on energy resources suggests that Ankara should concentrate on ensuring an adequate level of the republic’s energy security. Indeed, nearly all the planned thermal power stations, which are expected to produce over 63 percent of energy in the republic, will use imported coal and gas. According to certain experts,3 continued economic growth in Turkey and the need to bring its infrastructure to the EU level will increase the country’s dependence on imported energy to become, in the final analysis, the “professional aptitude test” of the JDP Cabinet. 


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See: V. Akhmedov, “Armia i vlast v novykh po-liticheskikh usloviakh Turtsii: perspektivy konfrontatsii i predely sotrudnichesva,” The Middle East Institute, availa-ble at [http://www.iimes.ru/rus/stat/2007/02-10-07c.htm].

See: N.Z. Mosaki, “Situatsia posle parlamentskikh vyborov v Turtsii,” The Middle East Institute, available at [http://www.iimes.ru/rus/stat/2007/29-07-07a.htm].

See: A. Turker, “Turkey’s New Challenge of Ener-gy Usage,” available at [http://www.turkishweekly.net/ener-gy], 31 July, 2007.

See: “Kontseptsia strategicheskoy roli,” Ekonomicheskoe obozrenie, No. 11-12 (86-87), 2006, p. 54, available at [www.review.uz].

See: Washington ProFile, 30 June, 2007.

See: . Bal, “Why Turkey has Various Reasons to be Skeptic about the USA?” available at [http://

ww.turkishweekly.net/comments.php?id=2719], 11 September, 2007.

See: A.A. Gur’ev, “Situatsia v Turtsii: oktiabr-noiabr 2007,” The Middle East Institute, available at [www.iimes.ru/


See: I. Shleyfer, “Energeticheskoe sotrudnichestvo mezhdu Turtsiey i ES omracheno problemami,” available at [http://www.eurasianet.org], 12 June, 2007.

See: H. Kader, “Turkey’s Booming Economy and the European Union,” available at [http://www.turkishweekly.net/

omments], 5 October, 2007.

See: Opening Speech Given by Foreign Secretary David Miliband to the House of Commons, British Embassy,Berlin, available at [http://www.britbot.de/en/news], 12 November, 2007.

“Burns Reiterates Importance of Turkish Relationship,” available at [http://www.washdiplomat.com/DPouch/2007/


“Burns Reiterates Importance of Turkish Relationship,” available at [http://www.washdiplomat.com/DPouch/2007/


See: I.I. Starodubtsev, “Ob uchastii turetskikh mezhdunarodnyklh kompaniy v mezhdunarodnom investitsionnom forume ‘Sochi-2007.’ VI Mezhdunarodny investitsionny forum ‘Kuban-2007,’ 19-24 sentiabria 2007, Sochi,” The Middle East Institute, available at [http://www.iites.ru].

See: H. Kader, “Booming Economic Relations Between Turkey and Russia,” available at [http://

ww.turkishweekly.net/comments.php?id=2769], 28 November, 2007.

See: “Ob izmeneniiakh v voenno-politicheskoy obstanovke na Blizhnem Vostoke i v Severnoy Afrike (5-11 no-iabria 2007 goda,” The Middle East Institute, available at [www.iimes.ru/rus/stat/2007/12-11-07.htm].

See: N.Z. Mosaki, “Nekotorye aspekty vneshney politiki Turtsii,” The Middle East Institute, available at [www.iimes.ru/rus/stat/2007/30-11-07a.htm].

See: B. Yinanç, “Gül to Revive Relations with Central Asia,” available at [http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/

rticle.php?enewsid=88982], 19 November, 2007.

See: Ö. Sanberk (former deputy Turkish foreign minister), “Vneshniaia politika Turtsii v obstanovke neopredelen-nosti,” available at [http://cpanel.host.am/~karabakh/src/index.php?lang=ru&id=2&nid=12201], 26 July, 2007.

See: H.S. Ozertem, “Is Turkey Back in the Game?: New Deal with Iran and Nabucco!” available at [http://

ww.turkishweekly.net/comments.php?id=2666], 16 July, 2007.

See: H.S. Ozertem, “Pipeline Politics and Turkey,” available at [http://www.turkishweekly.net/

omments.php?id=2683 ], 31 July, 2007.

See: H.S. Ozertem, “Is Turkey Back in the Game?…”

See: R. Ibrahimov, “Kashagan: Possible Outcomes of the Kazakhstan Government Decisions,” [http://www.

urkishweekly.net/energy], 17 October, 2007.

See: A. Chichkin, “Kazakhstan i Turkmenia ne khotiat ‘priviazyvat’ svoy gaz tol’ko k rossiyskomu rynku,” Ros-sia, No. 36, 20 September, 2007, p. 7, available at [http://www.arba.ru/news/3145].

See: Ch. Durdiyeva, “Berdymukhammedov Enters a New Phase of EU-Turkmenistan Relations,” CACI Analyst,14 November, 2007.

See: R. Ibrahimov, “Baku-Tbilisi-Kars: Geopolitical Effect on the South Caucasian Region,” available at [http://

ww.turkishweekly.net/comments], 23 November, 2007.

See: R. Lotar, “Geopoliticheskaia shakhmatnaia doska i mesto na ney Tsentral’noy Azii,” Frankfurter Allgemeine,15 November, 2007, available at [http://www.centrasia.ru/newsA.php4?st=1195160640], 16 November, 2007.

See: S. Laçiner, “Turkey’s EU Membership’s Possible Impacts on the Middle East,” available at [turkishweekly.

et], 23 March, 2007.

R. Fedoseev, “Prezident Turkmenii Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov podderzhal ideiu prodavat gaz Evrope napri-amuiu, minuia Rossiiu,” Delovaia gazeta “Vzgliad”, 16 November, 2007.

See: “Turkmenistan Raises Gas Price for Russia,” available at [www.itar-tass.com/eng], 27 November, 2007.

“Turtsia budet sotrudnichat s Iranom, dazhe esli OON vvededt sanktsii,” NEWSru, 21 September, 2007.







How to Cite

YULDASHEVA, G. (2008). TURKEY’S NEW FOREIGN POLICY LANDMARKS AND CENTRAL ASIA. CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 9(1), 51-57. https://ca-c.org/CAC/index.php/cac/article/view/1162
