The events of the last decades have again demonstrated the close interconnection among all the parts of the international relations system. The main masterminds of world development are now finding that they too are being drawn into the processes going on in vitally important geopolitical zones of the world far beyond their own borders.
The Central Asia region is one of these zones for the following reasons:
- it is Geo strategically located at the intersection among many of the existing, potential, and planned transportation and pipeline routes;
- it has extremely rich natural and human resources;
- it is close in territorial-geographical, historical-cultural, and demographic terms to the hotbeds of instability in the Islamic world;
- most of the global challenges and threats (territorial, ethnonational, religious, environmental, and so on) are concentrated in its territory.
See: F. Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, The Free Press, New York, 1992.
See: J.L. Ray, Democracy and International Conflict, University of South Carolina Press, Columbus, 1995.
Z. Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard. American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives, Basic Books, New York, 1997, p. 198.
See: Ch. Lane, “Germany’s New Ostpolitik: Changing Iran,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 74, No. 6, November/December 1995, pp. 77-89.
It is reflected in corresponding geopolitical doctrines, such as the Greater Middle East, and later in its logical ex-tension, the Greater Central Asia project, where the Central Asian region and the Middle East are joined into a single experimental geo-economic zone which has not found due support in the CA countries with their different political preferences and interests and different levels of development.
S. Li, “Dorogi, kotorye my obustraivaem,” Narodnoe slovo, 28 August, 2004.
A. Rasulev, R. Alimov, “Strukturnye preobrazovaniia i povyshenie konkurentosposobnosti ekonomiki Uzbekistan,”Obshchestvo i ekonomika (Tashkent), No. 6, 2003, p. 202.
See: T. Tashimov, “Povorot na Vostok,” Ekonomicheskoe obozrenie (Tashkent), No. 10 (73), 2005, pp. 45, 47, 49.
See: Ekonomika Uzbekistana, Informational and Analytical Review, January-September 2005, Center for Effective Economic Policy, Tashkent, No. 11, December 2006, p. 55.
See: “Chestnye vybory mogut sdelat Kazakhstan ‘liderom’ v Tsentral’noi Azii,” available at [www.usinfo.state.gov/Russian], 21 November, 2005.
See: “Polls: Americans, Europeans Share Increased Fears of Terrorism, Islamic Fundamentalism,” Transatlantic Trends, Washington, D.C., & Brussels, available at [www.transatlantictrends.org], 6 September, 2006.
See: G. Yuldasheva, “Afganskiy factor v tsentralnoaziatskoi politike: vzgliad iz Uzbekistana,” available at [www.ia-centr-ru], November 2010.
See, for example: Briefing of Assistant of State Secretary Blake for Journalists in Kyrgyzstan, available at [America.gov], 14 March, 2011.
See: E. Feigenbaum, “Seven Critical Guidelines for U.S. Foreign Policy in Central Asia,” Council on Foreign Relations, available at [www.businessinsider.com/seven-guidelines-for-us-central-asia-policy], 23 February, 2011.
See: R. Rozoff, “Washington Intensifies Push into Central Asia,” available at [www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1101/
See: Sh. Sultanov, “Voina protiv Evrazii. Razmyshleniia o novoi strategicheskoi kontseptsii Severoatlanticheskogo aliansa,” Rossiia-Islamskiy mir, No. 49, 8 December, 2010.
See: U.S. State Department. USA Forum on Facebook—Priorities of the Obama Administration in South and Central Asia, available at [www.america.gov].
See: Speech by Vice President Biden at Moscow State University on 15 March, 2001, available at [www.
merica.gov/st/eur-russian/2011/March/20110315105450x0.7276226.html], WHITE HOUSE/Office of the Vice President,10 March, 2011.
See: V. Iakubian, “Kak dolgo Moskva budet terpet antirossiiskuiu aktivnost Berdymukhammedova i Alieva,” IA REGNUM, available at [www.centrasia.ru/newsA.php?st=1295472840], 19 January, 2011.
V. Iasmann, “Ne toropites khoronit Ameriku,” IA REGNUM, available at [www.centrasia.ru/
ewsA.php?st=1292143920], 12 December, 2010.
See: A. Migranian, “SShA vybiraiut ‘blestiashchuiu izoliatsiiu,’” available at [svpressa.ru/society/article/40433/].
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