
  • David BABAYAN Ph.D. (Hist.), Independent Researcher Author


The Azov-North Black Sea Subregion is one of the planet’s strategically important areas; it is where the interests of different countries meet and intertwine. It is also tied by multiple threads not only to the Azov-Black Sea Region, but also to different regions of Russia and Ukraine.  The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is pursuing an active policy in the above-mentioned regions. Furthermore, it is primarily interested in the Crimea, which virtually adjoins the Caucasus, the Rostov region, and Donbass (particularly the Lugansk and Donetsk regions); by establishing contacts with them, the PRC is strengthening its position in the Northeast Black Sea and Azov regions. This kind of policy is in keeping with China’s overall geopolitical strategy in the Black Sea basin; below we will look at some of its vectors.


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For more detail, see: The Crimean Peninsula: Macroeconomic Review for 2011, Ministry of Economic Develop-ment and Trade of the Crimean Peninsula, Simferopol, 2012, p. 11 (in Russian).

See: “China Will Invest in Building a Power Plant in the Crimea,” TSN, available in Russian at [

roshi/kitay-dast-deneg-na-stroitelstvo-elektrostancii-v-krymu.html], 3 September, 2010.

See: O. Dorozhovets, “The Chinese Crimea,” Industrial Policy Information Agency, available in Russian at [http://], 24 June, 2011.

See: G. Vivdenko, V. Osipov, A. Stechenko, “The Crimea is Waiting for a Drilling Platform—The Hope of Domestic Gas Production,” Re:public, available in Russian at [—nadejdu-otechestvennoy-gazodobychi.html], 29 April, 2012.

See: “China Will Allot 700 Million Dollars to Building a Power Plant in the Crimea,”, availa-ble in Russian at [], 6 September, 2010.

See: “China Exim Bank is Issuing a Loan to Develop Crimean Agriculture,” Obozrevatel, available in Russian at [], 10 November, 2011.

See: E. Yurchenko, “The Crimea is Waiting for Chinese Investors in Agriculture,” Ministry of Economic Devel-opment and Commerce of the Crimean Peninsula, available in Russian at [

ews_content.php?skey=%D0%9A%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B9&search_resultsPage=2&cid=2435], 9 Novem-ber, 2011.

See: O. Tanasiychuk, “One of China’s Largest Airline Companies Will Serve Its Passengers Ukrainian Wines,”Ukrinform Information Agency, available in Russian at [],10 November, 2011.

See, for example: “China Has Been Waiting for 10 Years to Send Its Tourists to the Crimea,” Novosti Kryma, avail-able in Russian at [], 10 November, 2011.

See: “China Will Invest in the Crimea,” Argumenty i fakty Ukrainia, available in Russian at [

oney/news/40748], 10 November, 2011.

See: “Chinese Investors Have Found 500 Million Dollars for the Simferopol Airport and Yalta Port,” E-Krym Information Agency, available in Russian at [

illionov_dollarov_na_Simferopolskiy_aeroport_i_YAltinskiy_port.shtml], 3 July, 2012.

See: Ibidem.

See: O. Tanasiychuk, “The Crimea’s Investment Breakthrough to China,” Kievsky Telegraf, available in Russian at [], 10 July, 2012.

See: “The Chinese Are Giving $1 Billion to Build a Port in the Crimea,” Rosbalt, available in Russian at [http://], 9 November, 2011.

See: Ibidem.

See: “China Will Allot $1 Billion to a New Port in the Crimea,”, available in Russian at [http://economics.], 10 November, 2011.

See, for example: “A Fleet of Chinese Naval Combat Ships Enters the Black Sea,” ITAR-TASS, available in Rus-sian at [], 31 July, 2012.

See: Ibidem.

See: “The Rostov Region of the Russian Federation Wants to Develop Economic Ties with China,” Renmin rib-

ao, available in Russian at [], 21 February, 2008.

See: Ibidem.

See: “The Rostov Region Will Expand Cooperation with China,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, [

/reg-ufo/china-anons.html], 14 May, 2012.

See: “Chinese Investors Are Coming to the Don,” Official portal of the Government of the Rostov Region, avail-able in Russian at [], 12 May, 2012.

See: “TagAZ Renames Another Two Chinese Models,” PBK Daily, available in Russian at [

/10/14/industry/519046], 14 October, 2010.

See: “China’s JAC A138 Tojoy Will Be Assembled in Taganrog, It Will Cost No More Than $12,500,” Gazeta.Ru,available in Russian at [], 7 June, 2011.

See: “On Chinese Culture Minister’s Visit to the Rostov Region,” Representative Office of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rostov-on-Don, available in Russian at [], 10 May, 2009.

See: “Cooperation with China,” Nashe vremia, available in Russian at [],20 August, 2010.

See: “A Delegation from China Visits Taganrog,” Studencheskaia pravda, available at [

html], 17 July, 2010.

See: “Visit of a Chinese Delegation,” Anton Chekhov Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, available in Russian at [], 1 July, 2010.

See: “Economic Cooperation Between the Rostov Region and the People’s Republic of China in 2008,” Official portal of the Government of the Rostov Region, available in Russian at [], 28 April, 2009.

See: “Foreign Cooperation of the Rostov Region,” Official portal of the Government of the Rostov Region, available in Russian at [], 11 March, 2012.

See: “Foreign Trade Statistics of the Rostov Region for 2011,” Southern Customs Administration, available in Russian at [], 14 March, 2012.

For more detail, see: A. Krepskiy, “Chinese Migration to the Rostov Region: A National Security Threat or Con-temporary Globalization Trend?” Association of Military Political Scientists, available in Russian at [

repskii.doc], 9 January, 2012.

For more detail on this organization, see, for example: “The Donbass Euro-Region,” The Donbass Euro-Region Official Internet Resource, available in Russian at [], 15 July, 2012.

See: N. Pilipenko, “Chinese Combines for Donbass Coal,” Newspaper Zhizn, printed organ of the Donetsk Regional Council and Regional State Administration, available in Russian at [], 12 July, 2012.

See: Ibidem.

See: “China Is Giving $120 Million to Re-Equip Three Mines in Ukraine,” Environmental Portal “Climate and the Weather,” available in Russian at [], 12 July, 2012.

See: “China Will Sponsor Modernization of a Mine in the Lugansk Region,”, available in Russian at [http://], 21 February, 2012.

For more detail, see: O. Gavrish, D. Belikov, “China Provides Coal. The PRC Will Help Ukraine to Get Rid of its Gas Dependence,” Kommersant Ukraina, No. 110, 2012, available at [],16 July, 2012.

For more detail about this region, see: “Brief Survey of the Economy of the Lugansk Region,” Regional Agency of Investment Assistance of Ukraine, available in Russian at [],2 August, 2012.

See: Draft of the Socioeconomic Development Strategy of the Donbass Euro-Region Until 2020, Secretariat of the Donbass Euro-Region, Rostov-on-Don, Donetsk, Lugansk, 2012, p. 36.

See: “The Confucius Institute in Lugansk is a Unique Opportunity to Learn the Chinese Language and Get to Know the Culture of the World’s Oldest Civilization,” Taras Shevchenko Lugansk National University, available in Russian at [,115], 7 March, 2008.

See: “International Activity/Cooperation,” Taras Shevchenko Lugansk National University, available in Russian at [,78], 10 February, 2011.

See: Ibidem.

See: “A New Scientific Center for Studying Ukraine Will Appear in the PRC,” Taras Shevchenko Lugansk National University, available at [,2598], 22 April, 2011.

See: “Çîâí³øíüîåêîíîì³÷íà ä³ÿëüí³ñòü, Äîíåöüêà îáëàñíà äåðæàâíà àäì³í³ñòðàö³ÿ, available at [http://], 10 August, 2012.

See: V. Avdeenko, “The Donetsk Region Will Cooperate with China’s Guangdong Province,” RIA Novosti, avail-able in Russian at [], 15 July, 2010.

See: “The Donetsk Region Sends its Missionaries to China,” Novosti Donbassa, available in Russian at [http://], 21 June, 2011.

See: “The Donetsk Region Wants an Invasion of Chinese Dollars. It Is Ready to Assimilate Almost 7 Billion,”

Ostrov, available in Russian at [], 1 July, 2011.

See: “Russian-Ukrainian Donbass Will Build a Road to China,” Rosblat, available in Russian at [http://], 29 October, 2010.

See, for example: “China Interested in Concession of Bulgarian Black Sea Port Varna,” Novinite Sofia News

Agency, available at [], 25 April, 2012.

See: L. Liam, “Region’s Infrastructure to Get USD 10 bln Chinese Boost, Romania’s Constanþa Port Could Be Import Hub,” Romania-Insider, available at [], 27 April, 2012.

See: “Chinese Firms Seek Investment in Turkey,” Hürriyet Daily News, available at [http://www.hurriyetdailynews.

om/chinese-firms-seek-investment-in-turkey.aspx?pageID=238&nID=18306&NewsCatID=345], 13 April, 2012.

See: “Friendly Relations between Guangdong Province, China, and Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Georgia,”Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, available at [ ], 6 August, 2011.

See: Fu Jing, “Black Sea Ports Offer Much Promise,” China Daily, available at [

hina/2011weneurope/2011-06/25/content_12774677.htm], 25 June, 2011.

See, for example: “Ministry of Transport and Communications: China Intends to Draw its Container Lines into the Odessa Port and Is Interested in Building New Terminal Complexes,” Cabinet of Ministers of the Ukraine, available in Russian at [], 28 September, 2010;

The Odessa Sea Port Plans to Attract Chinese to Install Helium Collectors,” Korporativnye Novosti, available at [http://], 16 July, 2012.

See: “Newspaper of the Odessa Regional Council Comes out in Chinese For the First Time,” IA UNIAN, availa-ble in Russian at [], 7 July, 2012 (see also the Chinese version of the newspaper Odesskie izvestia, available in Russian at [http://]).

For more on this company, see: Official website of China Harbor Engineering Company, available at [http://], 9 August, 2012.

See: Fu Jing, op. cit.







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