For centuries, one of the perceptible points of contact between China and the Caucasus was the Great Silk Road. However, this contact related primarily to trade and economic and cultural relations and the Caucasus has never previously been an element of China’s geopolitical interests. Nor would it be entirely true to say that the Caucasus has become a priority vector of Chinese geopolitics today either. For example, neither the president nor the prime minister of Chio na has ever made an official visit to the region. Even Chinese ministers rarely visit the region. The Chinese delegations that have come to some of the Caucasian countries on official visits are usually headed by deputy ministers. Nevertheless, in the near future relations between China and the Caucasian countries could undergo a new boost, since, due to its geographical location, the Caucasus is destined to court China’s involvement in its geopolitics.
The PRC has elaborated its own specific geopolitical style, which can be quite clearly seen both in the Caucasus and in the nearby regions. This style is based on what can be described as a cluster approach, the gist of which lies in the fact that, by developing cooperation with one of the countries of the region, Beijing inescapably establishes relations with the countries contiguous to it, which often act as its rivals and competitors. China’s comparatively low level of historical experience in terms of geopolitical contact with the Caucasian countries is very conducive to this approach, since it makes it possible to sidestep the political, historical, psychological, and other types of antagonism that exist between the countries and nationalities of the region with relative ease.
China’s activity in the Caucasus at present is primarily oriented toward strengthening economic relations with the region and improving the socioeconomic situation in the regional countries, thus decreasing the influence of such ideologies as Islamic fundamentalism and panTurkism that China finds undesirable. Moreover, both Russia and regional countries such as Iran find Beijing’s stronger position in the region to their advantage.
For Moscow, a stronger China in the Southern Caucasus and its closer relations with the Northern Caucasus are beneficial both in terms of their joint geopolitical resistance to Turkey and the West and in the context of improving the socioeconomic situation in the North Caucasian republics, which is having a positive influence on the fight against extremism. While for Tehran, Beijing is a natural ally in the geopolitical standoff with Turkey and the West.
See: State Visit of President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliev to the People’s Republic of China, Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the People’s Republic of China, available at [], 17 March, 2005.
See: “China Oil Giants Join Hands for Caspian Sea Oil Field,” People’s Daily, available at [http://], 23 February, 2010.
See: “SOCAR Delegation Visits China and Singapore,” Official Website of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Re-public, available at [], 13 December, 2010.
See: “Azerbaidzhanskaia TES v ianvare-aprele utroila obiom vyrabotki elektroenergii,” Interfax-Azerbaijan, avail-able at [], 12 May, 2010.
See: “Chinese Company Repairs Mingechevir Cascade,”, available at [
opics_en.asp?id=4800&pb=5&vr=en&yr=2010&mn=12&day=6&pg=2&cl=1&cmpg=1&cmcl=1&sbpg=1&sbcl=1&srch=0&ms=NaN&clnd=0&mdn=1], 6 December, 2010.
See: Azerbaijan in Figures. External Trade Turnover Indicators of Azerbaijan 2009, The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, available at [].
See: External Economic Activities, The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, available at [].
For more detail, see, for example: “Kitaisko-armianskie otnosheniia,” Posolstvo Kitaiskoi Narodnoi Respubliki v Respublike Armeniia, available at [].
See: “Chinese Leader Wants Closer Ties with ‘Friendly’ Armenia,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, available at [], 3 May, 2010.
See: “Prezident Serzh Sargsian prinial uchastie v tseremonii otkrytiia Vsemirnoi vystavki ‘Shankhai Ekspo-2010’,”Official website of the President of the Republic of Armenia, available at [
?visits=1&id=155], 29 April, 2010.
See: “Prezident Armenii otkryl v Kitae zavod po proizvodstvu kauchuka,” RIA Novosti, available at [http://], 4 May, 2010.
See: “Armenia Economy: Energy Sector—the New Growth Driver,” ViewsVire, available at [
ndex.asp?layout=VWArticleVW3&article_id=1704034955®ion_id=&country_id=870000287&channel_id=190004019&category_id=500004050&refm=vwCat&page_title=Article&rf=0], 11 November, 2008.
See: “Chinese, Armenian Leaders Discuss China’s Participation in Armenia-Iranian Railway Construction,” RIA Novosti, available at [], 2 May, 2010.
See: “Armeniia i Kitai rassmatrivaiut vozmozhnost sozdaniia SP po pererabotke bazalta,” ARKA, available at [], 21 September, 2010.
See: Eksport i import Respubliki Armenii po stranam, Statisticheskii ezhegodnik Armenii 2001, Natsionalnaia sta-tisticheskaia sluzhba Respubliki Armenii, Erevan, 2001, Table 337.
See: Statisticheskii ezhegodnik Armenii 2010, Natsionalnaia statisticheskaia sluzhba Respubliki Armenii, Erevan,2010, pp. 483-485.
For more detail, see: Relations between Georgia and the People’s Republic of China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, available at [].
See: “Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway Project Draws China’s Interest,” Georgian Business Week, available at [http://], 8 December, 2008.
For more detail, see: Chen Runyun, “Mutual Benefit & Common Development: Economic and Commercial Co-operation between China and Georgia,” in: Chinese Business in Georgia, Georgian Business Consulting Group Ltd., pp. 8-10, available at []; “Rikotskii tonnel zakryt na remont,”Novosti-Gruziia, available at [], 8 June, 2010; “Tbilisi Railway Bypass Project, Georgia,” Railway Technology, available at [], 23 November, 2010.
See: “Dams Built by Chinese Companies and Financiers,” International Rivers, available at [http://], 13 April, 2009; “China Dams Overseas,” Energy Probe Research Institution, available at [], 6 September, 2010; “The Khadori Hydro-power Plant was Built and Commissioned with the Participation of Chinese Capital in 2004,” Georgia Investment Guide,available at []; “‘China’ Hydropower Plant in Kakheti,” Chinese Business in Georgia 2010, special magazine, pp. 14-15.
See: “Georgia Opens its Confucius Institute,” Xinhua, available at [
-11/27/c_13624282.htm], 26 November, 2010.
For more detail, see: “Georgian-Chinese Cultural Center ‘Silk Road’,” Chinese Business in Georgia 2010, special magazine, pp. 96-97.
For more detail, see: Statistical Yearbook of Georgia 2006, Department of Statistics under Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 273-281; External Trade, National Statistics Office of Georgia, available at [http://].
For more detail, see, for example: “Prime Minister’s Visit to China and India,” Official Website of the Government of Georgia, available at [], 23 Decem-ber, 2010; N. Patsuria, “Georgian Prime Minister Touts Chinese and Indian Investor to Invest in Georgia,” The Weekly Georgian Journal, available at [], 3 November, 2010;N. Edilashvili, “Georgia Seeks Partnerships in China and India,” Georgia Today, available at [
rticle_details.php?id=8437], 12 November, 2010; “Georgian PM Hopes to Boost Co-op with China,” Xinhua, available at [], 27 October, 2010; “Georgian PM Visits China, India,” Georgia Update, Weekly edition, A Publication of the Government of Georgia, 28 October, 2010, p. 2.
See: N. Edilashvili, op. cit.
See: Georgia Update, Weekly edition, 4 November, 2010, p. 1.
See: N. Edilashvili, op. cit.
For more detail, see, for example: Vneshniaia torgovlia IUTU za 9 mesiatsev 2010 goda, Southern Customs Ad-ministration, available at [].
See: Doklad o rezultatakh i osnovnykh napravleniiakh deiatelnosti Departamenta vneshneekonomicheskoi deiatel-nosti Krasnodarskogo kraia (2010-2013), Department of Foreign Economic Activity of the Krasnodar Territory, available at [], Krasnodar, 2010.
See: N. Kopeichenko, N. Mikhalev, “Olimpiada Made in China,” PBK Daily, available at [], 6 April, 2010.
See: April 2010—CGGC Corporation, Official website of the Doninvest Company, available at [], 14 April, 2010.
See, for example: “Kitaiskie avtobusy Shuchi budut sobirat v Krasnodarskom krae,”, available at [http://], 23 October, 2009.
See: “Investory iz Kitaia namereny postroit v ‘Azov-Siti’ sportkompleks i gostinitsy,” Interfax, available at [http://], 8 February, 2010.
See: Informatsiia o vneshneekonomicheskom sotrudnichestve Stavropolskogo kraia s Kitaiskoi Narodnoi Respub-likoi, Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory, available at [].
See, for example: S. Rudkovskiy, “Kitaiskaia korporatsiia postroit v Piatigorske kurortnyy kompleks,” RIA Nov-osti, available at [], 9 March, 2010.
See: A. Larina, “Kazne na popravku. Novaia nalogovaia politika v Ingushetii zastavila chinovnikov na mestakh iskat sposoby popolneniia biudzheta,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, Special Edition Ingushetia, No. 5197(118), 2 June, 2010.
See: V Ingushetii budut proizvodit zapchasti dlia kitaiskikh avtomobilei, Permanent Representative Office of the Republic of Ingushetia under the Russian Federation President, available at [],9 December, 2010.
For more detail, see: “Zakliucheno soglashenie o sotrudnichestve s kitaiskoi kompaniei “Manzhouli Heyuan” v oblasti razvitiia promyshlennykh ob’ektov na territorii Rossiiskoi Federatsii,” Official website of South Russia Invest-ment-Financial Corporation Open Joint-Stock Company, available at [], 21 December,2010.
See, for example: A. Sobianin, “Uigurskii separatism,” Ekspert, No. 31, 28 August, 2000.
See: “Chechnia i Kitai rabotaiut nad realizatsiei proektov v neftegazovoi oblasti,”, available at [http://], 25 August, 2005.
For more detail, see: “Bolee 260 detei c diagnozom DTsP proshli lechenie kitaiskoi metodikoi,” Official website
of the head and government of the Chechen Republic, available at [],25 August, 2009.
See: A. Semenov, “V Karachaevo-Cherkesii postroiat eshche odin avtozavod,” Kavkazskii uzel, available at [http://], 28 August, 2007.
See, for example: “Avtomobilnyi zavod ‘Derveis’ zapustil novuiu liniiu NAIMA,” Official website of the presi-dent and government of the Karachaevo-Cherkessia Republic, available at [
ews/4890-avtomobilnyjj-zavod-dervejjs-zapustil-novuju.html], 8 November, 2010.
See: “V Karachaevo-Cherkesii avtozavod predostavil 3,000 novykh rabochikh mest,” Kavkazskii uzel, available at [], 12 July, 2008.
See: “15 ianvaria avtomobilnaia kompaniia DERWAYS otkryvaet novye tsekha po promyshlennoi sborke avtomo-bilei,” Official website of the president and government of the Karachaevo-Cherkessian Republic, available at [], 12 January, 2010.
For more detail, see: “Vneshneekonomicheskaia deiatelnost Karachaevo-Cherkesskoi Respubliki za 2009 god,”Ministry of Economic Development of the Karachaevo-Cherkessia Republic, available at [
herkesskoj_respubliki_za_2009_god/9-1-0-44], 18 November, 2010.
For more on the visit, see: “Kitaitsy proiavili interes k Kabardino-Balkarii,” Official website of the president of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, available at [], 16 November,2006.
See: “Stankozavodom zainteresovalis v Kitae i SNG,” Investment Passport of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic,available at [], 18 May, 2010.
See: “Mezhdunarodnye sviazi,” Portal of the government of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, available at [http://].
For more detail, see: “Severnaia Osetiia i Kitai: sotrudnichestvo prodolzhaetsia,” Administration of the Head of the Republic of Northern Ossetia-Alania and government of the Republic of Northern Ossetia-Alania, available at [http://], 10 June, 2009.
See: Z. Gurdzibeeva, “Sviazuiushchaia nit. V Severnoi Osetii planiruetsia sozdat spetsializirovannuiu zonu dlia legkoi promyshlennosti,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, No. 4937, 24 June, 2009.
See, for example: “Severnaia Osetiia i Kitai: sotrudnichestvo prodolzhaetsia.”
See: “Severnaia Osetia gotova priniat detei iz Kitaia,” Administration of the Head of the Republic of North Osse-tia-Alania and government of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, available at [], 23 May, 2008.
For more on the chronology of Daghestani-Chinese relations, see: “Sotrudnichestvo s Kitaem,” Agency of Invest-ments and Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of Daghestan, available at [
-2009-09-15-13-33-19.html], 16 August, 2010.
See, for example: “China’s Norinco to Build $610m Cement Plant in Daghestan,” Marchmont Capital Partners,available at [], 5 November, 2009.
See: “V Dagestane kitaitsy otkroiut tsemzavod i proizvodstvo po sboru avtomobilei,” Delovoi mir Dagestana,available at [], 12 March,2010.
See: “Pekin-Kuban DAGEKSPO,” Delovoi mir Dagestana, available at [
ournal2.php?jid=1&jnum=14&jcat=C0000043&jaid=81], 14 May, 2010.
See: “Realizatsiia investitsionnogo proekta ‘Stroitelstvo mezhdunarodnogo logisticheskogo kompleksa “Kaspii Lozhistik”,’” Agency of Investments and Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of Daghestan, available at [—l-l-r.html], 21 April, 2010.
See: “Vneshniaia torgovlia Respubliki Dagestan,” Territorial Structure of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Republic of Daghestan, available at [Âíåøíåýêîíîìè÷åñêàÿ%20 äåÿòåëüíîñòü.htm].
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