The current stage of international relations is characterized by intensive rivalry among a whole number of states over the establishment of a new world order. The end of the bipolar system after the collapse of the U.S.S.R. gave rise to a systemic vacuum which the world power centers have different ideas about filling. The United States sees itself as the world leader, that is, it is essentially striving to a unipolar system. Talking in September 2010 at the Council on Foreign Relations, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said literally the following: “Let me say it clearly: The United States can, must, and will lead in this new century.”1 Several countries, in particular China and Russia, which Washington regards as its main potential rivals, do not agree with this position.
In light of the current events, the policy of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is acquiring particularly importance. It is obvious that this country is playing a very important role in world policy and that this role will continue to grow as time goes on. China has all the attributes of a great power. Several well-known experts have already classified the PRC as an economic superpower.2
Some of them even think that whereas during the first 30 years of the economic reforms, China’s integration into the outside world was the key imperative, during the next three decades, the PRC will put the main emphasis on establishing a world order that encompasses the entire globe.3 Beijing sees the future world order as multipolar.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Re-marks on United States Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations, US State Department, Washington, DC, available at [],8 September, 2010.
See, for example: F. Bergsten, Ch. Freeman, N. Lardy, D. Mitchell, China’s Rise. Challenges and Opportunities, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC,2008, p. 9.
See: M. Leonard, What Does China Think? Public Affairs, New York, 2008, p. 24.
See: Military Power of the People’s Republic of China 2000, Annual Report to Congress, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Washington, 2000, available at [].
See: “China’s GDP Grows 11.4 Percent in 2007,” Xinhua, available at [
/content_7485388.htm], 24 January, 2008.
See: National Economy: Steady and Fast Growth in 2008, National Bureau of Statistics of China, available at [http://], 22 January, 2009.
See: Full Text: “Report on China”s National Economic, Social Development Plan,” Xinhua, available at [http://], 16 March, 2010.
See: “Deputy U.N. Chief: China Becoming Engine for World Economy,” Xinhua, available at [http://], 6 October, 2008.
See: “China Threatened with Resource Deficiency,” Xinhua, 12 March, 2001.
See: Li Peng, “China’s Policy on Energy Resources,” Xinhua, 28 May, 1997.
F. Bergsten, Ch. Freeman, N. Lardy, and D. Mitchell, op. cit., p. 141.
See the corresponding sections in IEA World Energy Outlook 2007 and IEA World Energy Outlook 2002, OSCE, Paris, 2003.
See: F. Bergsten, Ch. Freeman, N. Lardy, D. Mitchell, op. cit., p.222.
See: F. Fesharaki, K. Wu, Outlook for Energy Demand, Supply, and Government Policies in China, East-West Center, Honolulu, 29 July, 1998.
See: “Report: China to Import Half of Gas Demand by 2020,” Xinhua, available at [
nglish/2007-04/20/content_6003314.htm], 20 April, 2007.
See: “Kazakhstan Natural Gas,” Agency France Press (Atyrau), 10 May, 2000.
See: “Kazakh Oil Output May Rival Saudi Arabia,” Reuters (Almaty), 27 April, 2000.
See: V. Gavrilenko, “Turkmenistan,” Krasnaia Zvezda, 6 March, 1999, p. 4.
See: A. Vladimirov, “Stavka na inostrannykh investorov,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 17 February, 1999, p. 4.
See: M. Gafarly, “Na poroge neftianogo buma,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 11 July, 2000, p. 5.
For more detail, see: Lin Ye, Zhang Zhong, “Models of Development and Trends in Investment for Multinational Oil Companies,” Guoju Maoyi, 20 August, 1997, pp. 29-36, in: E.S. Downs, China’s Quest for Energy Security, Rand, 2000,p. 20.
For more detail, see: Zhang Wenmu, “Meiguo de shiyou diyuan zhanyue yu Zhongguo Xizang Xinjiang diqu an-quan (America’s Geopolitical Oil Strategy and Security of China’s Tibet and Xinjiang Regions),” Zhanlueycguanli (Strat-egy and Management), No. 2, 1998, pp. 100-104.
For more on this, see: “China and Uzbekistan,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China,
available at [].
See: “China Takes Control of Kazakhstan’s Aktyubinsk,” East European Energy Report, No. 69, 24 June, 1997,p. 16.
See: Sh. Behn, “CNPC Deal Tops $4 Billion,” Platt’s Oilgram News, Vol. 75, No. 108, 5 June, 1997, p. 1.
See: A. Davis, “China/Kazakhstan—Strategic Oil Deal Recently Completed,” Jane’s Intelligence Review, Vol. 4,No. 1, 1 December, 1997, p. 9.
See: A. Davis, op. cit., p. 9.
See: Sh. Behn, “China, Kazakhstan Sign Deal for Huge Uzen Field,” Platt’s Oilgram News, Vol. 75, No. 186,25 September, 1997, p. 1.
See: A. Rashid, T. Saywell, “Beijing Gusher: China Pays Hugely to Bag Energy Supplies Abroad,” Far Eastern Economic Review, 26 February, 1998, p. 48.
See: S. Peyrouse, “Sino-Kazakh Relations: A Nascent Strategic Partnership,” The Jamestown Foundation, China Brief, Vol. 8, Issue 21, available at [], 4 November, 2008.
See, for example: “Posol Kitaia v Azerbaidzhane: My gotovy uchastvovat v osvoenii Kaspiia”,, available at [], 9 April, 2009.
See: “Rossii stoilo by povolnovatsia ne ob amerikanskoi podderzhke ‘Nabukko,’ a o proektakh Kitaia v Turkmen-istan—spetspredstavitel Gosdepartamenta SShA,” Trend News, available at [
tml], 24 June, 2009.
First Baku Radio program in Azerbaijani, 11 January, 2002, 11:00 local time.
Baku Radio, 7 January, 2002, 18:00 local time.
See: “CNPC, KazMunaiGas Purchase Kazakh Oil and Gas Company for $3.3 bln,” Xinhua, available at [http://news.], 24 April, 2009.
BBC, SWB, Third Series, ME/3771, 23 February, 2000.
See: P. Chang, “China’s Policy Toward Iran: Arms for Oil?” The Jamestown Foundation, China Brief, Vol. 8, Issue
, available at [], 18 November, 2008.
For more on this, see: D.R. Smith, “Environmental Security and Shared Water Resources in Post-Soviet Central Asia,” Post-Soviet Geography, Vol. 36, No. 6, 1995, pp. 351-370.
See: Mirzoev’s Report, table 1, Tashkent Engineering Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization, May
See: A. Tabyshalieva, “Post-Soviet Central Asia: Sub-Regional Cooperation and Peace,” in: Peace and Security in Central Asia, Occasional Paper Series, IDSA, New Delhi, September 2000, pp. 78, 94.
See: E. Fomina, “Pit vodu v respublike opasno: potrebuetsia mnogo deneg dlia uluchsheniia situatsii,” Nezavisi-maia gazeta, 23 November, 1994, p. 3.
See: D.R. Smith, op. cit., pp. 361-362.
See: Ibidem.
See, for example: Y. Roy, “Central Asia Riots and Disturbances, 1989-1990: Causes and Context,” Central Asian Survey, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1991, p. 24.
See: H. Carlisle, “Forced Student Labor in Central Asia’s Cotton Fields,” Surviving Together, Vol. 14, No. 4, 1996,p. 31.
See: “Kazakhstan. Nazarbaev, Drugs, Terrorism, Water Threaten Central Asia,” Reuters (Almaty), 25 February,2000.
See: T. Bakhytzhan, “Water May Cause Conflict Between Kazakhstan and China,” The Times of Central Asia,Vol. 2, Issue 22 (65), 3 June, 2000.
See: V. Turov, “Kak Rossiiu ostavliaiut za ‘vodozaborom’,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 12 May, 1999, p. 4.
See: Ibidem.
See: T. Bakhytzhan, op. cit.
See: Finansovyy rynok Respubliki Kazakhstan, Analysis of Government Resolution No. 566 of 27 April, 2001 on the Development Concept of International Transport Corridors of the Republic of Kazakhstan, available at [http://www.].
See: B. Pannier, E. Magauin, “Kazakhstan: China Discusses Future of Irtysh River,” RFE/RL Weekly Magazine,28 May, 1999.
See: A. Mukhambediarova, “Kazakhstan—Kitai: reshenie vodnoi problemy opiat’ otkladyvaetsia,” Political Re-search Agency, available at [], 10 April, 2001.
See: “MID KNR: Kitai pridaet seryoznoe znacheniie ratsionalnomu ispolzovaniiu i okhrane vodnykh resursov kitaisko-kazakhstanskikh transgranichnykh rek,”, available at [], 29 January, 2010.
See: P. Micklin, “Managing Water in Central Asia,” CACP Key Paper, RIIA, London, 2000, p. 37.
See: Speech by President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmon at the World Water Forum, Istanbul, 16 March, 2009.
For more on this matter, see: D. Pisarenko, A. Uglanov, “Sredniuiu Aziiu spaset Luzhkov?” Argumenty i fakty,No. 51, 2002, p. 20.
See: “China Informally Approves 4,200-km Gas Pipeline,” Reuters (Beijing), 29 February, 2000.
See: I. Amanzholov, “Konfliktnye istoki transgranichnykh rek,” APR Political Research Agency, available at [], 5 February, 2002.
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