Atmospheric Tourism, Tourist Motivation, Destination Satisfaction, Tourist Loyalty, Cultural Heritage TourismAbstract
This study investigates the role of atmospheric tourism and tourist motivation in cultural heritage tourism destinations and their consequences for destination satisfaction and tourist loyalty within the proposed heritage culture tourism model. Respondents in this study were tourists who had visited one or more cultural heritage tourism destinations registered with UNESCO, such as Borobudur Temple Compounds, Prambanan Temple Compounds, Komodo National Park, Ciletuh Geopark, Batik Village, and Angklung Village. Analysis of the data used is a structural equation model based on partial least squares (SEM-PLS). The results of testing the research hypothesis show that the atmospheric tourism variable positively affects destination satisfaction but does not directly affect tourist loyalty. Tourist motivation variable positively affects destination satisfaction and tourist loyalty; then, destination satisfaction positively affects tourist loyalty. The role of atmospheric tourism is higher in influencing destination satisfaction if compared to tourist motivation. Implications and suggestions for managers of cultural heritage tourist destinations are also discussed.
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