
  • Alexander TVALCHRELIDZE D.Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), ice President of the Georgian Academy of Natural Sciences (Tbilisi, Georgia) Author
  • Avtandil SILAGADZE D.Sc. (Econ.), ull Member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (Tbilisi, Georgia) Author


Macroeconomic model, oil-exporting countries, OPEC, oil markets, oil exports.


This article explores the relationship between GDP and net oil exports in major oil-exporting countries. The extremely strong positive correlation between these parameters makes it possible to develop GDP models for these countries based on exports of crude oil; it has been demonstrated that they are described by a quadratic regression with acceptable reliability. The study results show that the oil industry is the main driver of economic development in the modern world. Even where direct oil exports make up an insignificant part of GDP in oil-exporting countries, their impact on economic development is decisive 


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See: A.G. Tvalchrelidze, Economics of Commodities and Commodity Markets, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2011, 904 pp.; V. Papava, “Economic Growth in the Central Caucaso-Asian Countries Adjusted for the Catch-Up Effect,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 13, Issue 4, 2012, pp. 120-128; T. Basilia, A. Silagadze, T. Chikvaidze, Post-Socialist Transformation: The Economy of the 21st Century, Aradani Publishers, Tbilisi, 2001, 544 pp. (in Georgian); A. Si-lagadze, “Some Aspects of the Development of the Post-Soviet Economy,” in: Current Economic Problems of Post-Communist Countries at the Present Stage, Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics of Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, 2013, pp. 66-69 (in Georgian).

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