Islam, Tajikistan, religious education, madrassah, methods for teaching religious disciplines.Abstract
The author tells us how the Islamic Institute of Tajikistan (until 2007, the Tajik Islamic University) was set up and is developing; he follows the far-from easy road the official religious education system has covered as part of the process of Islamic revival that began as soon as the country became independent. He also looks at the moving forces and stages of the development of the official higher religious education system in Tajikistan, the key figures involved, and the problems caused by the remnants of the Soviet anti-religious past.
He identifies the main problems—lack of qualified teachers and textbooks—as well as the main obstacle, viz. defects of management and organization of the teaching process and funding, as well as clashes between the traditional and modern principles and methods for teaching religious disciplines. Much attention is paid to the role of the state in developing official religious education as part of Tajikistan’s education system.
The author traces the stages that finally brought the Islamic Institute of Tajikistan under the patronage of the state, a process that transformed the non-state religious educational establishment into a state educational institution.
Until 1993, the Kaziat of Tajikistan was part of the Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Central Asia and Ka-zakhstan with its center in Tashkent. In February 1993, the muftiat of Tajikistan was set up at the first conference of the repub-lic’s Muslims.
In the Soviet Union, higher religious education was limited to the Mir-i Arab madrassah in Bukhara.
Sayidnuriddin Shakhobiddinov, prominent expert in the Arabic language and history and specialist in text analysis translated al-Qānūn fī al-Ṭibb (The Canon of Medicine) by Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna) from Arabic into Tajik.
S. Ayni, K istorii Bukharskoy revoliutsii, Dushanbe, 1987, p. 47.
See: M. Khasanova, “V RT sozdan islamskiy institut s izucheniem gumanitarnykh nauk,” Asia Plus, 16 November,2007, available at [], 16 September, 2009.
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