
  • Murat LAUMULIN D.Sc. (Political Science), Professor, Chief Researcher at the Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Expert of the Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies at the Committee of Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) Author
  • Svetlana KOZHIROVA D.Sc. (Political Science), Professor, Head of the Center of Chinese and Asian Studies at the International Science Complex Astana (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) Author


CICA, SCO, Belt and Road Initiative, security, Kazakhstan, ASEAN, OIC, cooperation


The article contains an overview of the activities of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), a structure aimed at creating a comprehensive mechanism for developing and reconciling the positions of Asian countries on key security issues. The CICA is a forum that many regional states have joined as permanent participants. Eight countries and five international organizations, including the U.N., currently have an observer status at the CICA, which cooperates with existing regional organizations such as SCO, ASEAN, and OIC in a number of specific areas. The current concept of CICA’s work is aligned with five main spheres: military and political collaboration; the fight against new challenges and threats, including terrorism; drug trafficking; transnational crime and human trafficking; as well as the economic, environmental and human dimensions.
Cooperation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, whose members (including the observer countries) are all also members of the Conference, will be of great importance for the further development of CICA. The presence of both resource-producing countries and large oil and gas importers in the organization creates the pre-conditions for the formation of an energy block within its framework, which will increase the energy security of its member states. The authors note that the interaction between ASEAN and the CICA can be based on five points required for building a “community of common destiny,” which were set forth by President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping in Jakarta:
(1)    adhere to the principle of trust and strive for good neighborliness;
(2)    adhere to the principle of cooperation and mutual benefit;
(3)    constantly provide mutual assistance;
(4)    adhere to the principle of “living in perfect harmony”;
 (5)    adhere to the principle of openness and tolerance.
The authors note that the problem of Afghanistan can become a point of contact and development of joint approaches and strategies of the CICA and the OIC in the context of international and regional security. The author concludes that the transformation of the CICA into the Organization for Security and Development of Asia, proposed by Kazakhstan, would mean an expansion of the conference format and a turn towards solving new problems. In addition, the urgent task of the CICA at present is the transition to qualitatively new levels of cooperation—preventive diplomacy and conflict prevention.


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See: G. Dubovtsev, “Osnovnye tendentsii i perspektivy razvitiia SVMDA,” Kazakhstan-Spektr (KISI), No. 3, 2019, pp. 29-43.


Concerning the SCO issues, see: D. Bayshulakova, G. Dubovtsev, “SCO Activities at the Present Stage and the Interests of the Central Asian Countries,” Central Asia and the Caucasus. English Edition, Vol. 21, Issue 3, 2020, pp. 7-14; D. Malysheva, “Shankhaiskaia organizatsiia sotrudnichestva i problemy bezopasnosti v Azii,” Rossia i novye gosudarstva Evrazii (IMEMO), No. IV (ХLIX), 2020, pp. 25-36; A. Muratbekova, “Krizis identichnosti Shankhaiskoi organizatsii sotrudnichestva: chto budet dalshe?” Vestnik mezhdunarodnykh organizatsiy: obrazovanie, nauka, novaia ekonomika (NIU VSHE), No. 4, 2019, pp. 138-160; N. Rakhmatulla, “Rol ShOS v sovremennykh mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniiakh: vzgliad iz Uzbekistana,” Mezh- dunarodnaia zhizn (MID RF), No. 4, 2021, pp. 52-57; Perspektivy mnogostoronnego sotrudnichestva ShOS s mezhdunarod- nymi strukturami v interesakh razvitiia strategii Organizatsii, ed. and comp. by Yu.V. Morozov, IDV RAN, Moscow, 2019, 344 pp.; L.S. Revenko, N.S. Revenko, “Potentsial i predposylki ekonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva stran Shankhaiskoi organi- zatsii sotrudnichestva,” Azia i Afrika segodnia (IV-IAf RAN), No. 1, 2021, pp. 15-22; F. Suesong, “Sushchestvuiushchie me- khanizmy Shankhaiskoi organizatsii sotrudnichestva i ikh problemy dlia borby s netraditsionnymi vyzovami bezopasnosti,” Vestnik mezhdunarodnykh organizatsiy: obrazovanie, nauka, novaia ekonomika (NIU VSHE), Vol. 17, No. 1, 2021; ShOS v sisteme bezopasnosti v Evrazii: problemy mnogostoronnego vzaimodeistviia, ed. and comp. by L.Ye. Vasiliev, IDV RAN,Moscow, 2020, 240 pp.; B. Khakimov, “ShOS i problemy evraziiskoi bezopasnosti,” Mezhdunarodnaia zhizn (MID RF), No. 2, 2021, pp. 144-145; W. Song, China’s Approach to Central Asia. The Shanghai Co-operation Organisation, Routledge, London, 2018, 172 pp.

Concerning the ASEAN issues, see: V.V. Vershinina, “Predsedatelstvo Vietnama v ASEAN v 2010 i 2020 gg.: itogi i perspektivy,” Azia i Afrika segodnia (IV-IAf RAN), No. 4, 2021, pp. 48-53; Idem, “Soveshchanie ministrov oborony stranchlenov ASEAN i dialogovykh partnerov (SMOA+) kak novy element formiruiushcheisia arkhitektury bezopasnosti v YUVA,” Yugo-Vostochnaia Aziia: aktualnye problemy razvitiia (IV RAN), Vol. III, No. 4 (49), 2020, pp. 34-46; E.A. Kanayev,

A.S. Korolev, “Bolshaia Evrazia, Indo-Tikhookeanskiy region i otnosheniia Rossii s ASEAN,” Kontury globalnykh transfor- matsiy: politika, ekonomika, pravo (TSIKO, Moscow), No. 1, 2019, pp. 26-43; E. Kanayev, A. Korolev, “EAES i ASEAN: rezultaty i perspektivy sotrudnichestva,” Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia (IMEMO RAN, Moscow), No. 1, 2020, pp. 64-72; G.M. Lokshin, E.V. Kobelev, V.M. Mazyrin, Soobshchestvo ASEAN v sovremennom mire: ID «FORUM», Moscow, 2019, 296 pp.

See: Nestabilnost geostrategicheskogo prostranstva v stranakh Blizhnego, Srednego i Dalnego Vostoka: aktualnye problemy. Yezhegodnik 2019, ed. by M.I. Krupyanko, IV RAN, Moscow, 2019, 284 pp.; Nestabilnost geostrategicheskogo prostranstva v stranakh Blizhnego, Srednego i Dalnego Vostoka: aktualnye problemy. Yezhegodnik 2020, ed. by M.I. Krupyanko, IV RAN, Moscow, 2020, 340 pp.; Strany Vostoka v XXI veke: neravnomernost ekonomicheskogo rosta i neravenstvo sotsialno-ekonomi- cheskogo razvitiia. Tezisy konferentsii, posviashchennoy pamiati V.G. Rastiannikova, ed. by I.V. Deriugina, 2020, 144 pp.; Ekonomicheskie, sotsialno-politicheskie i etnokonfessionalnye problemy afro-aziatskikh stran. Materialy konferentsii 16,18 marta 2020 g., ed. by O.P. Bibikova, N.N. Tsvetkova, IV RAN, Moscow, 2020, 148 pp.; Ekonomicheskie, sotsialno-politicheskie i etnokonfessionalnye problemy afro-aziatskikh stran. Yezhegodnik 2020 (Issue 3), IV RAN, Moscow, 2020, 436 pp.

See: “Bezopasnost stala tsentralnoy temoi sammita SVMDA,” available at [ 930381.html].




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