Value Engineering (VE), Organizational Innovativeness, Organizational Culture, Libyan Construction IndustryAbstract
The current reconstruction of Libya infrastructure requires the implementation of value engineering (VE) in the Libyan construction industry to minimise waste and efficient use of available resources. This study identifies the influence of organisational culture and the mediating role of organisational innovativeness on value engineering (VE) adoption among construction organisations operating in Libya. This study utilised a causal research design and a quantitative research approach. A probability simple random sampling technique was used to select 375 respondents working in Libya's construction organisations. A total of 242 responses were received, yielding a response rate of 64.5%. A structural equation modelling method of analysis was utilised to test the direct and mediating relationships stated in the hypotheses. The findings showed a significant correlation between organisational culture and VE adoption. Simultaneously, organisational innovativeness mediates the relationship between organisational culture and VE adoption. These findings suggest that the construction industry in Libya needs to consider organisational culture (market culture and adhocracy cultures) and innovativeness to enhance VE adoption across the construction industry. This research complements the existing body of literature on organisational culture, innovativeness, and value engineering.
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